Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Keeping the Newlywed Feeling

Thanks to our relationship expert Rebecca Ward for writing this blog for us.  
We thought with all of the Royal Wedding prep, she could write down some tips for keeping, or rekindling, the newlywed feeling in a marriage.  
Here are Rebecca's thoughts: 
What is it that newly-weds have that oldy-weds don't have? Well, for starters they generally have no children so they likely have more free time, more energy, and maybe more libido!  We usually think of newly-weds as being more romantic with eyes only for each other and being happiest when in each other's company. They have not yet competed over a television remote or complained about personal short-comings.(See above: high libido.)
So if you want to put some of that romantic pizazz back in your older relationships you might follow some of their behaviors. How about being less critical and more affectionate both in word and deed. Nothing promotes romance as quickly as kind words and affectionate pats, hugs, and kisses. And who doesn't enjoy being with someone who makes you feel good about yourself? Marital partners need to remember this and act accordingly!
You can't abandon your children but you might be able to lose, no  I mean displace them for an evening or maybe even a weekend so you can have more time to be together and get rested so you'll have more energy while you're in each other's company. See above: higher libido!
 Actually older marriages have great potential for recapturing early romance because many of the kinks have been worked out while newly-weds may just be locating them. And by now we've got at least two tvs so no problem with that remote.
More on that later!

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