Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Metabolism Boosting Foods

  • Drinking water - Drinking water speeds up our metabolism by 25-30 percent!  Just 8 cups of water will help us burn 300-350 extra calories per day.  Our body is 80 % liquid, so it only makes sense that if we run low on water in the body, it slows down all of the important processes.  Try adding a slice of lemon for extra flavor and extra cleansing element.   ** Rule of thumb for how much our body requires for water daily.  Divide our current weight by 2 and add the word ounces.  If a person weighs 150 pounds, divide by 2 equals 75, now add ounces.  This person requires 75 ounces of fluid a day.
    • Water is also a natural appetite suppressant that gets rid of swelling and flushes out waste containing toxins.
    • Try to drink water beginning in the morning and sip on it all day long. 8 cups of water equals 64 ounces.
  • Oranges, grapefruit  lemons, limes -Citrus fruits
    • Foods that contain vitamin C naturally help break down fats in the body, which naturally speeds up our body's ability to digest food. Citrus fruits also lowers the need for insulin in the body, which tabs our button to store food, so citrus fruits are a great plus for everyone. 
    • Try to have 2 cups of fruit per day.
  • Spicy peppers- Chile peppers, Jalapeno.  Studies show that Capsaicin, an anti- oxidant in Chile peppers and paprika in red bell peppers (that is what gives the fire taste) boost the metabolism.  Also if we are satisfied with more flavor, we will use less of the fatty, high calorie foods.
  • Low-fat dairy (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese)- not getting enough calcium may trigger the release of calcitrol, a hormone that causes us to store fat.  So, getting enough calcium through food allows our food to be more quickly digested, instead of stored.
  • Try choosing Greek yogurt which is rich in calcium, protein and friendly bacteria which helps with digestion and absorption of food. 
  • Berries- (Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) are high in fiber, super high in anti-oxidants that protect our bodies from disease.  Fiber helps push all food through our digestive tract and also absorbs fat along the way.  Berries are beautiful in color and low in calories.  1 cup of berries has only 60 calories.
    • Try adding blueberries to cereal, yogurt, or have in a small bag combined with almonds or walnuts.
  • Fish (Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, Trout, Sardines) - Cold water fish contain Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) that have been proven to alter the levels of Leptin, a hormone in the body which influences and determines whether you burn calories or store them as fat.  Omega's increase the levels of fat-burning enzymes and decrease the levels of fat-storage enzymes.
    • Having enough omega-3 in the body can boost metabolism by 400 calories per day.
    • A vegetable rich in omega 3 is the avocado - try having a slice of avocado on a sandwich or in a salad. 
    • Try having tuna fish packed in water for lunch.  Try oven-baking salmon with veggies for a quick evening meal.
  • Green tea - contains a compound called ECGC that may help boost metabolism as well by speeding up the brain and nervous system.  It also contains caffeine, which is a natural stimulant that can help your body burn more calories at rest.  Caffeine frees fatty acids stored in the body, making them more available to use for energy. 
    • Try brewing a single cup serving to have warm or make a pitcher to serve cool throughout the day.
  • Cooler liquids sipped turns up the body's engine for metabolism.  The body has to rev up to warm the temp for our body.
  • Goal - Our bodies are designed to eat every 3-4 hours during the day while we are awake.  Eating smaller meals throughout the day has scientifically been proven to provide the best scenario for the leanest and healthiest bodies.  This means Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and 2-3 snacks also.  Snacks are best at mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and before bed. 
  • A recommended meal is generally 300-500 calories, a snack is typically 100-150 calories.

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